// B2B Companies CAN Take Advantage Of Facebook - Social Songbird


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B2B Companies CAN Take Advantage Of Facebook

5 Ideas To Help YOUR Company

Facebook is the most favored social media platform which reaches millions of consumers daily, but is less thought of as a tool for B2B companies. LinkedIn is generally more popular for B2B companies however the trends are now changing as companies get more confident with the use of different social media networks as part of a successful marketing strategy. Don’t get left behind!

A) Strategy Development

Before you can start taking advantage of Facebook, you will need to come up with a content strategy for marketing and simply work Facebook into it. You will still need to use traditional marketing methods to cement your brand image initially, but by using various different media sources, you will gain more exposure and reach more people. As your Facebook page increases in interaction, you will hugely expand your brand awareness, following and potential customers. Over time, your marketing strategy will change and you will be less dependent on more traditional marketing.

B) Be Visual

Photographs and Images are crucial if you want your Facebook page to stand out, the more photographs and other eye catching graphics that appear, the more interaction you will achieve. Try and be as creative as you can with captions to accompany images as your prospects will be far more likely to read those versus plain text. Different types of photographs associated with your company such as community or charity events are really beneficial too as they show a community spirit to your company which are more likely to engage people who want to know more about what you have been doing or who are more likely to support you in the future.

Myself on the Shine charity night marathon through London, raising money for children's cancers

C) Generate Action and Excitement about your brand

It is so easy with Facebook to build a huge audience that continuously follow your business who enjoy interacting with you. You can spotlight your fans and make them feel more appreciated by offering special offers or even free items, this in itself will create a buzz and generate even more followers which will promote your page even further. By engagement from your fans puts your info right in front of their friends and followers.

D) Use your partners and associates

If you scratch my back, I will scratch yours! So if any of your partners or business associates have Facebook pages, make sure you like their page and ask them to like yours. This will build a strong connection between your business and theirs and also their fans, which will result in more potential customers for you. Sharing relevant content can also establish good company values which will be seen by a wide audience which will build up confidence in your brand.

E) Stay Mobile

Make sure that you always have someone regularly checking for communication on your Facebook page. Imagine a question being asked on a Friday afternoon and it not being answered until Monday morning? It is bad business, and will not build confidence in a potential new client or even your current followers. If you can reply out of business hours and respond promptly, you will exceed the expectations of the customer and show your online following that customer retention and satisfaction is paramount to your company values. This will put your company over and above the competition and might just make the difference between a sale or not. Disgruntled customers have lots of avenues to voice their opinions, so what better than to been seen to acknowledge and rectify any issues in a public manner which create long lasting relationships.

So what are you waiting for, get your company Facebook page up and running and reap the rewards!

This article was written by Anna Upcraft, part of the SMF Team

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B2B Companies CAN Take Advantage Of Facebook Reviewed by Alex Carson on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 Rating: 5
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