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The Schoolies, Posting Embarrassing Pictures Since 2014

Lessons in Regret

School is in session! In this article, these lucky students are going to show you exactly what not to do on your social media profiles if you’re followed by anyone from your family, work or convent.  

30,000 Australian teens have flocked to Queensland’s Gold Coast for a notorious weeklong celebration similar to the US’s spring break or to the UK’s Tuesday afternoon. However, in a new take on debauchery, these students are avidly posting as many compromising pictures as possible and have titled the event ‘The Schoolies 2014’.

After scouring through some of the pictures in the office, which probably isn’t the wisest idea, NSFW to say the least. I’ve come across more nude selfies than I’d like to admit, a chap who’s been hung up in his own cupboard and a long line of ladies urinating in the streets. Ah, to be a student again.

Though this does look like the best fun on the planet, these dewy eyed students will in no doubt come to regret the implications of having pictures of themselves in such compromising positions. The support group Red Frog spend weeks leading up to this holiday advising school leavers about the repercussions of allowing these sorts of pictures and updates onto their social media profiles. Red Frog definitely isn’t wrong. In a recent survey headed by Harris Interactive, it was revealed that 43% of employers had rejected acandidate after finding information concerning them through social media. 

In spite of these warnings, social media groups have been set up for the specific reason of sharing all these wonderful pictures. Schoolies 2014 and Exposed and Embarassing Schoolies are up and running and requesting submissions from the students.

However, social savvy students shouldn’t have too many issues in keeping themselves hidden away. Keep those profiles private and keep those faces blurred. When you stroll into that first job after this binge they won’t even recognise you as that guy who got caught doing nude lunges in the streets of Portugal. (I deleted the videos, you can’t prove it was me)

Despite the event getting a bit out of control with a few scuffles breaking out, Queensland police commented that they "… were pleased with the behaviour of the vast majority of schoolies throughout the festivities on Sunday evening.”

As a Schoolie I’d be more concerned about finding myself in a newspaper over drug charges or for violent conduct than a picture being uploaded of me and friends having a good laugh. I’m willing to bet that black spot on your record would be a bit more damaging than those selfies.

So stay safe and smart Schoolies! Let Odin guide your next shot to your lips.

We were all young once though, right? These students have just blasted through a rough patch of studying, essays and exams and really deserve to blow off as much steam as humanely possible. I feel your plight guys and gals, drink away everything you’ve learnt. I know I did when I finished my course in… What was it again? 

Tom has just graduated from University of East London in Creative and Professional Writing. He loves writing and is currently interning as content writer hoping to go further. His other loves include Arnold Schwarzenegger films and his dog. Follow him @TomAtSMF

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The Schoolies, Posting Embarrassing Pictures Since 2014 Reviewed by Unknown on Monday, November 24, 2014 Rating: 5
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