// #CoalisAmazing - Little Black Rock Campaign Fails Spectacularly - Social Songbird


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#CoalisAmazing - Little Black Rock Campaign Fails Spectacularly

The PR department over at the Minerals Council of Australia fell victim to a fair amount of mockery across social media recently, when they unveiled their new 'Little Black Rock' marketing campaign with the aim of promoting the coal industry.

The campaign includes a new, flashy website and commercials across social media and television, attempting to change people's perceptions about the industry by discussing the "endless possibilities" provided by coal. The ad itself focuses primarily on the impact the coal mining industry has on the Australian economy, creating jobs and substantially increasing Australia's export revenue. The ad goes on to promise that the industry can cut emissions by 40%, but that statement has failed to win over many supporters. After all, even 60% of current emissions is still far too much really.

The ad closes with the question: "Isn't it amazing what this little black rock can do?"

Yes. It is truly amazing that a little black rock can cause so much damage, destroy so many environments and just generally mess up the planet to the extent it does and still be promoted as a positive thing. A quick scroll through Twitter seems to suggest that I am not the only person to hold that opinion, with countless people strongly opposing the campaign, sharing their sentiments, ironically, using the #CoalisAmazing hashtag. The comments range from direct abuse to comedy gold.

I honestly don't know how the Minerals Council didn't see this one coming. It is a well known fact that we need to steer away from fossil fuels and make significant cuts to pollution levels and one slick advert isn't going to make us see the situation any differently. The attempt to promote such a damaging resource as some kind of saving grace is extremely misguided, and has already drawn comparisons to the dated and universally ridiculed cigarette ads of old.

Sam Bonson

Sam is an aspiring novelist with a passion for fantasy and crime thrillers. Currently working as Editor of Social Songbird, he hopes to one day drop that 'aspiring' prefix. Follow him @SamAtSMF

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#CoalisAmazing - Little Black Rock Campaign Fails Spectacularly Reviewed by Unknown on Thursday, September 10, 2015 Rating: 5
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